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Dreams of a diaper boy

Del 3: Chapter 3 - Alone

Michael woke up. He remembered what he had done the night before and excitedly lifted the covers to peek at the damage. But there was none, apart from a drop sized stain in his underwear he was dry as dust. He sighed but he wouldn't give up that easily. In all the stories he read the people spent days before unconsciously peeing and weeks before being put in diapers. He had to keep going. But for now he was hungry. He didn't even bother to put on clothes.

Michael walked into the kitchen to have breakfast. His mom and dad were already eating. "You guys in a rush? It's Sunday!" Michael asked with a crooked eyebrow. "We're visiting your grandma, she's sick and if nothing else... we want to say goodbye" his mom answered giving him a strained smile. Michael got excited, not for his grandma since she was a real pain, last year she moved houses. She had forced the entire extended family to rent a truck and spend over 4 hours loading furniture while she stood by smoking. "There's money on your card since we'll be gone for a few days, I'll call you everyday and don't throw a party because we will know if you do" she said before kissing his cheek and running out the door with his dad tumbling behind her. They were gone.

Michael waited a bit to make sure they were gone. Then he rushed upstairs. He pulled out the destroyed diaper he had from his granddad. It wasn't an adult diaper, just an old toy for the dolls. But with underwear it kind of fit Michael and he would masturbate with it.

As he looked at it He smirked. But then he got sad, frustration and anger washed over him as he realised this was worthless. He had probably more than two days to do what he wanted and he was going to use this piece of garbage? No. No he wasn't! He threw the piece of plastic on the bed and got dressed. He grabbed his keys, wallet, headphones and put his phone on airplane mode. He suspected his mom was tracking his location.

There was a shop two miles from Michael's house, but he didn't go there. He got a sports bag from the cellar and made his way to the train station. In Michael's town there was a road that stretched between two cities. Michael went to the one furthest away, where he didn't go to school.

Fresh air hit him as he stepped off the station. He had to be quick though. He stepped abruptly towards the supermarket that was closest, still filled with anger and frustration. He went straight to business and found the diaper isle. The one he was so interested in yet had never visited as he was an only child and was ashamed of his interest.

He picked out the biggest ones he found. He had no reference as to whether or not they would fit, but he had no way to test it and he didn't find any larger ones. He walked to the cashier and put them on the conveyor belt. He thought about pulling up his hoodie to protect his identity, but realized it would look even more suspicious. He simply avoided eye contact, paid with cash and left the receipt. He put the pack in his bag which thankfully covered it. Walking out the store to go home he was brought back to reality. He had just bought a pack of diapers!

The walk home was uneventful, as everyone assumed he was simply walking home from practice. But Michael was on edge the entire time waiting for his friends to jump him and start asking where he'd been. After a few nervous glances Michael was in his room, staring at the pack. He was in disbelief that he had pulled it of after years of dreaming about it and now it was time to reap the rewards. He layed down on the bed in only a t-shirt. He already had one of the diapers under his crotch and began to lift it. It was so relaxing and fulfilling that he immediately got a stiffie but he didn't care. He taped it up as good as possible but even though he was skinny his hips were as wide as a mammoths'. It would do for now he thought to himself as he again laid down, stroking his diapers crotch area before setting a 1 hour timer and taking a nap. He was excited to continue but thought it best to rest a bit before going all in on his fantasies.
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