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Baby abdl story
I am from China, I write articles with a translation machine, there may be errors,sorry

story name:Forced wrapping diapers for child


Protagonist: Tangtang, male, 8 years old, cute, timid, introverted, wealthy family,chinese.

"Tangtang, mom and dad are going abroad. This summer vacation, stay with your sister and be obedient." "Um." Tangtang nodded. Tangtang's mom and dad carried a lot of luggage. He waved his hand, went out, and flew to England.
"Ah! holiday!" Tangtang played the game, played for two hours, ate some dinner, and went to bed early, "Ah, my bed, I have waited for you for a semester!"Then fell asleep.In the evening, Tangtang’s sister carried a large bag of things, and pulled in a few large boxes, one by one, unpacked, packed the things.
The next day
Tangtang rubbed his eyes, stretched his waist, and he want to WC, and Tangtang made it from the bed. Suddenly, he felt that there was something wrapped in ass, bulging, soft, a pink boy diapers,wrapped his little ass , because Tangtang was petite and his baby diapers just wrapped his little butt tightly, not big, not small, just right .
The diaper had a code diaper strap, tightly tied and tied the diaper, and Tangtang wanted to take it off, but no matter how pulled, the did not move, and Tangtang ran to the toilet. I wanted to urinate, but I could n’t take off my diaper, Tangtang jumped anxiously, tears dropped down, crying, and suddenly, Tangtang's buttocks were dragged by one hand and pulled , sister hold him up, sister, shaking, patting on Tangtang, Tangtang received a stimulusthe urine burst out, and diapers was inflated ."Wow www...." Tangtang cried terribly, like a little baby. You will wear diapers in the future ,everytimes, don't take it off! This is a lesson for you." Then, the sister took out a baby The defecation medicine for baby, as long as they take it, they can’t control their bowel movements, and they are like babies. The shit is thin like a baby, and can be absorbed by diapers . and they can pull a lot.
Put on a diaper, sugar and sugar with a little strength ca n’t even close the legs. Just like a newborn baby, the legs are spread apart. The Tangtang couldn't stand up at all. At most, he could only kneel on the ground or lie on the ground. Tang Tang reluctantly lay on the ground, and her sister returned to the room.
Tangtang just relaxed for a while. Suddenly, Tangtang felt that shit was going to pull it out. He couldn't stop it at all, couldn't stop and kept pulling. The stool is very thin. When the stool comes out, Tangtang feels like he is urinating. The thin stool is quickly absorbed by the diaper. Tangtang feels that the butt got some hot, and he only lie on the ground, The amount of thin stools is almost 600ml, which is equivalent to urinating several times. After a while, the stool is filled with the entire diaper but nothing leaks.
Tangtang diapers bulging. Now,big diapers make Tangtang can only lie on the ground and can't move. But, the diapers are better absorbent, and the stools have become liquid. The butt is dry, there is no poop on it, and the diaper is very dry, just like urinating a lot of urine in it, there is no poop.
Sister came back, took off the diaper for Tangtang, took a bath for tangtang, cleaned it up, and then took out a new bag of diapers, covered the tangtang's privacy part, the sister rubbed the tangtang's privacy part, through the diaper Rubbing tangtang's privacy parts, tangtang felt soft, very comfortable, and had a sense of happiness. His sister accelerated the speed of friction, tangtang was very excited. Suddenly, he peeed out, but felt extremely comfortable.
and he fell in love with it. Diapers and baby life.

in the end

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